See my offerings

Events, Groups, Individuals, Business

Pricing & Packages

Mini Sessions

from: $150

Mini sessions range from 15 to 30 minutes! This is an awesome option if you need: updated headshots, new social media content, a new family portrait etc. 15 minute sessions: $150 with 6 edited images. 30 minute sessions: $300 with 12 edits.

The Experience

from: $600

These sessions range from 1.5 hours to 2.5 hours depending on what you need! This could include multiple locations, LOTS of outfits - OR - if you're a new biz that's needing imagery and you're not ready for a full day shoot, this is for you!

The Immersion

from: $2,222

This is my largest offering. A 1.5 day immersion of connecting with each other, connecting deeply with an aspect of yourself that you're ready to shed, and a new version you're ready to witness & step into. This also includes energy work or coaching work!

Business Branding

From: $300

Is your small (or large, or medium!) business in need of branding, content, website imagery and more? I have experience with small, one woman businesses to large corporate companies - we'll nail your vision <3

Event Coverage

From: $250/hour

I love covering events! This is an amazing opportunity to show your audience what your'e up to, and for them to catch the vibe of your offerings.

Group Shoots

Starting at $1,000

Wanna get a group together and create content for everyone at once, and have a blast being together? Consider it done ;p